i am not very technically tought but power cuts and the billing figures are really getting to me, thus i have decided to try and generate alternative power.
i found an alternator of a car which generates on my volt meter 11.4 v (i take it that this is ac - as i measured the volts from the inside of the alternator, there are 3 fairly thick wires)
the general idea is to power the alternator with wind and a 5 or even 10 to 1 gear ratio (the blades would be mounted on a big wheel connected by chain or fan belt to a small wheel on the alternator), in times of no wind the alternator will be powered by a solar panel.
i need to power 1) geyser 2) airconditioner 3) 3 x 250 watt security lights 4) house hold lights
so in my ignorance i have devised a few plans to accomplish this
plan 1
is to utilise the alternator volts via a 20 to 1 step up transformer to give me 228 vac ? (alternator will always be spinning as long as i have wind or sun)
plan 2
to use the dc volt of the alternator (i believe only 12vdc) to charge enough batteries then convert the dc back to ac to give 220 vac power.
plan 3
a welder utilises alot of power and i have heard that there are guys that have converted an alternator to produce enough power to run a welder, this for me would also be sufficient, but as i mentioned i am not very technical, but even with just this idea i was thinking that if one alternator can power 1 welder = geyser, the more things i want to power i just need to add additional alternator power stations.
would any of these two plans work?