Seeing that you guys are so enthusiastically interested -
- I am going to try out a novel way of generating elctricity, viz:
A conductor moving in front of the magnet will cause the generation of eddy currents that will create a magnetic field opposed to the magnet's field.
Using two slotted discs rotating on either side of the magnet will therefore cause field fluctuations inside the magnet from maximum to (almost) zero weber, and back again.
These field fluctuations will be picked up by the coil surrounding the magnet in which - as a result - a voltage will be induced.
What I like about this design is that you dont fling pieces of steel around. The moving parts are very light. What I envisage as a disadvantage is that the slotted discs might get very hot as a result of the eddy current losses.
But a trial will tell all that.